Become a member


Membership is only available for Belgian Endocrinologists, Diabetologists or Pediatricians with special interest in endocrinology or diabetes, or for trainees in these disciplines.

The membership price depends on the time of your recognition as a specialist doctor in medicine:

  • ASO (specialist in training): 25 euro per year
  • 1st – 4th year after recognition as an endocrinologist: 125 euro per year
  • >4 years after recognition as an endocrinologist: 250 euro per year
  • Retired endocrinologist, WITH professional activity: 125 euro per year
  • Retired endocrinoogist, WITHOUT professional activity: 25 euro per year
  • Member of another VBS/GBS-society were full membership is payed: 50 peuro per year
  • Honorary member: 500 peuro per year

By becoming a member of the Belgian professional society of Endocrino-Diabetologists (BSED), you will automatically become a member of the VBS-GBS and the Belgian professional society of Internal Medicine. Please contact us if you are already a member of these societies.

You can become a member by:
1. transferring the membership fee to the account number of BSED (BE10 0689 3846 3004),
mentioning your name and “membership fee”


and 2. filling in the online registration form on the VBS-GBS website in dutch or french